BUY TICKETS for the Madoc Benfell Memorial Trust Launch Dinner & Auction evening 29 October 2023


Launching the Madoc Benfell Memorial Trust: A Night of Hope and Remembrance

A Night to Remember and Reconnect

The Madoc Benfell Memorial Trust was officially launched on Sunday 29th October at La Bella Italia, marking a poignant evening of community and heartfelt connection. Our goal was to honour Madoc - his light, love and boundless energy - and to inaugurate a trust that will instil hope in our young people. Witnessing family, neighbours, school and work acquaintances, as well as individuals from Madoc’s past and our present coming together was a humbling experience, and served as a beautiful reminder of the strength of community.

Nurturing Hope for the Future: The Vision of the Madoc Benfell Memorial Trust

The launch of the Madoc Benfell Memorial Trust is another significant step on our family’s healing journey. We are undeniably broken and changed. We take one small step of hope at a time. This trust symbolises just that - a step towards hope. It is our deep desire that our beloved Madoc will continue to be remembered - his humour, warmth, kindness and enthusiasm for a good adventure. We want Madoc’s infectious joy to be passed on to future generations of young people as they build confidence, develop resilience and discover how wildly capable they are.

A Heartfelt Thank You: Celebrating Our Wonderful Supporters

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the wonderful guests and supporters who made this evening so very special. Your generosity and presence lifted our spirits as we celebrated Madoc and your contribution has paved the way for a positive impact on the young people in our community. Thank you for taking this step with us.

We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to the event hosts at La Bella Italia, 10 Nevis Street, Petone. Your support made this evening even more extraordinary, and we deeply appreciate your contribution to the success of the event.

Bidding for Hope: A Successful Auction

The night's highlights included an exciting auction that saw generous bidders vying for an array of fantastic items. Thanks to the support of our dedicated guests, we raised funds to empower the Madoc Benfell Memorial Trust and its mission to instill hope in young hearts. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to everyone who participated in this spirited event, making a positive difference in our community.

Some of our generous auction items included:

Photos kindly taken by our dear friend Widia


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